I really love PCC.
Our services are so good… and our people are some of the most enjoyable to fellowship with.
Great people. Good services. Exceptional talent. Over-the-top singers. Authentic friendships.
There are some very good pictures on Facebook right now of PCC.
There are some very good pictures on Facebook right now of PCC.
The series introduction to the book of James got off to a very good start. Really had a lot of fun too.
Got a lot of positive feedback after service. Several people pinned me down in conversation to tell me “their stories.” Always enjoy that.
Never forget, the book of James is about behavior… not merely beliefs.
Anyone can say, “I believe this” or “I believe that” or “I’m a follower of Jesus Christ” – but it is our behavior that reveals what we truly believe.
We are going to learn a lot over the next ten weeks.
I’m glad that we can “just be real” at PCC.
We don’t pretend to have it all together… we’re not trying to be as pious as the Pope all the time… just authentic. At PCC it’s okay to admit that you’re not hitting triple’s every time you are at bat.
I love the people I get to do life with.
There’s a couple who attends PCC; they drive an hour one way to be in service each Sunday. That’s a two hour round-trip each week. It’s humbling to me to know they love their church this much and will go to such an effort. They have been attending with us since we conducted our Time to Build Campaign about 10 years ago – they pledged in the campaign… still give faithfully… attend faithfully… encourage me often… and have weathered many bumpy seasons with us. Always faithful. I thank God for such people. This makes me want to go the extra mile in my duties as pastor.
Today during the music and singing I was sitting in the congregation, quietly worshipping and reflecting on the Lord when had this thought: PCC really has had an impact on people’s lives over the years. My mind raced across the congregation and I began to think about all the people who have been with us for so many years… who attend faithfully each week…. who are so hopeful that the Lord will come through for them… who have such confidence in their church and its pastors… people who we have helped…. and people who have helped me, my family, and this church… and I was overcome with thankfulness.
When I think about walking away and quitting – because of a few difficult people who make my job a pure nightmare – it’s people like these who keep me at my post of duty.
Other news…
Rick Warren’s son, Matthew (27 years old), committed suicide Friday night. I can’t imagine the pain that Rick and his wife Karen must be going through. Pray for them.
Rick Warren is the pastor of Saddleback Community Church in California, and is the author of the Purpose Driven Life. Renae and I visited Saddleback Church in 2006 and it was a life-changing experience for us.
Both of us attended separate small group sessions with Rick and Kay and discovered they are very real people – authentic and down-to-earth – without any pretense. In spite of their national influence (my impression is) they have remained true to their humble beginnings.
Disregard their celebrity right now… they are suffering parents and that’s all that really matters.
Let’s put the foundation of prayer underneath them.
It’s what bearing one another’s burdens is all about.
I’m still practicing intermittent fasting. It’s been about ten weeks. I fast twenty hours each day. I’m holding strong and remain committed. It’s gotten a lot easier too. I've lost a lot of weight... in all the right areas. Clothes fit better too.
My garden is totally planted.
I spent most of yesterday planting field peas (Knuckle Purple Hull, Black Crowder’s, and Lady Peas), and building trellises for the cucumbers and tomato plants.
Very excited about that. Got a lot accomplished.
I spend a lot of time in my garden. It’s therapeutic for me.
I’ve planted so many vegtables this year that I’m going to have more harvest than I can use. My intention is to give much of it away.
I’ve planted so many vegtables this year that I’m going to have more harvest than I can use. My intention is to give much of it away.
My garden contains red potatoes, peppers, squash, cucumber, field peas, tomatoes, garlic, and onion.
In addition, I have planted a long row of blueberry bushes and grapes (red/black Muscatine) about 80’ long… two pear trees (Kieffer & Ayres)… and two fig trees. I still plan to plant a Mandarin Satsuma (citrus) soon.
I’ll post plenty of pictures… or if you would like to come over and see it sometime, I’d be glad to give a tour.
Me and Renae have an out-of-town fishing trip planned in the month of May. Can’t wait. We’re going to Lake Talquin near Tallahassee. This makes our third trip there and enjoy our time away… as well as with the people we do this trip with.
Hope to catch some Crappie (croppy) this time.
My oldest son (Jonathan) who plays every other Sunday at PCC is a police officer at UWF and is now playing in a country band on the side. Doing a good job with those guys.
My daughter in-law (Jamie, his wife) is pregnant with their second child – a girl. Me and Renae are very excited about this. Taylor Grace Christian will be her name.
My youngest son (Nathan) is on an authentic spiritual journey right now. The transformation is remarkable. We are very, very encouraged about this.
Jamie’s parents (Robert & Ann Lewis) are good people too… and I’m fortunate to be joined to them in this family connection.
I feel like I belong to a village.
Me and Renae went fishing with Captain Tommy last week (he is an usher at PCC). We caught a bunch of fish… big fish. Very enjoyable. It was a high point for us.
When starting a new ministry you must make sure your motives are right. A bitter root produces bitter fruit.
When changing churches you must make sure your motives are right too, and for the same reason. A root of bitterness will defile you (Hebrews 12:15)…. no matter where you attend.
When your motives are pure and you are surrounded by good people.... your ministry will be fruitful.
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