You’re invited to join us this Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. for Seminar 201 – Essentials for Spiritual Growth.

The seminar lasts about 2 ½ - 3 hours with plenty of breaks. A good meal is served at the halfway point. A student syllabus is also provided for everyone. Child care is provided too.
Currently there are twenty-five people taking the seminar, with more registrations coming in this week. If you’d like to join, please sign up quickly. We’d love to have you in this meeting.
You can call the church offices at 994-4310, sign up by PCC's Facebook page (PCC), or contact me via Facebook (Ron), or sign up in the atrium this Sunday. You have four options to choose from. How easy is that?
This seminar is a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meet new people. More importantly, the people who take this seminar demonstrate the kind of commitment that spiritual growth implies and often experience a renewed interest in spiritual matters. In many ways, the graduates of this seminar represent the real core of Pace Community Church .
Even if you have taken the seminar previously, you can join us again for a refresher. We’d love to have you too. This would be a great way to stir up the gift within you, so to speak, and refocus your priorities of drawing nearer to God.
It's going be a great evening at PCC this Sunday afternoon!
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