I intended to post Tuesday and Wednesday but have been slammed all week! I’ll write about that tomorrow. But for today, I will attempt to get back on track with the new schedule.
1. Sunday’s message title is: God’s Answer for My Guilt (and it’s part 2 of the series on I Timothy we began last week).
Everyone knows what guilt feels like. However, not everyone knows what freedom from guilt feels like. This Sunday is going to be a breakthrough for some poeple. As we gather for collective worship, the Holy Spirit is going to quicken God's Word and make it alive; Jesus Christ is going to be exalted; God is going to be worshipped; the saints edified, and lives are going to be changed.
Come to church as you are; just know you may not leave that way.
This Sunday is also a great opportunity to bring a guest or friend, especially the unchurched. The message will be timely for them. God Spirit is going to do His work and I know your guests will never be the same.
2. A Testimony… Yesterday I talked to a gentleman who recently committed his life to Christ, and he also attends PCC. He’s in his 60s. He began to describe his experience at last Sunday’s service. He was gushing, and his exact words to me were: “The music was beautiful, and after hearing your ‘speech’ I felt like I got saved all over again.” I absolutely love the enthusiasm of new converts… even when they don’t get the words quite right. It’s all so new to him.
May we all recapture that same wonder of Christ.
3. Children’s Chorus Singing this Sunday. It was a big hit last time, so we’re bringing them back! They’ve been practicing new songs and are very full of excitement. They will have half the song service, and the worship band will minister in the other half. It’s going to be fantabulous!
4. Your Charitable Contribution Statements are being Mailed Friday.

Topics covered are: Four Myths About Spiritual Growth… The Four Habits of a Disciple… How to Start and Maintain Good Habits… and PCC’s Maturity Vision.
The seminar lasts about 2 ½ - 3 hours with plenty of breaks. A light meal is served at the halfway point. A student syllabus is also provided for everyone.
Sign up in the atrium now! Child care can be provided - please indicate on the sign up sheet if you need. Note: Since each of the seminars in our growth track builds on each other, you must first complete Seminar 101 before taking 201.
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