Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump - September 23, 2012

One of my favorite days at PCC.

Attendance was solid and has been holding very strong since summer came to an end. 

God was worshipped, His Word taught, and His people provoked to good works as they fellowshipped one with another.   

I am totally amazed at the number of people who attend services with us each week and consider PCC their church home.  Our congregation is so diverse that it has to be a God-thing.  If “I” were the main attraction, our congregation would be 10% the size it is now.

It was good to see Renae’s niece (Tiffany) in service today.  She has a job that requires her to travel across the county all year long.  But when she catches a break and finds herself back in the area, she attends her home church.  Very grateful.

On another note – I am overwhelmed at the amount of pain that so many people carry.  It’s so easy to look across the room on Sunday mornings as people put their best foot forward and believe they’ve got it all together, when, in reality, they don’t.  They are hanging on by a thread.  As a pastor I hear about of all the junk that is beneath the surface – beneath public appearances – and I hurt for them…. even while I carry my own personal pain.

I could just wave my arm across the room and say, “Hey you back there, you’re facing a trial right now” and would get it right every time.

Only Jesus can minister to so many people with so many different issues at the same time.

I’ve got to say that I really enjoyed the last song in the worship set – I’m Redeemed.  It was introduced two weeks ago by the youth worship team.  As we sang it today it ministered to me in a way that hasn’t happened in a very long time.

I almost called an audible as I took the pulpit…..

I think God was up to something.

One lady told me one her way out that everything in the service was, quote, “designed especially for me – from the songs, to the message, to the uplifting encouragement – God spoke to me today.”

I really enjoyed today’s message – Abigail & Nabal – Beauty and the Beast (Part 2).  We talked about rash behavior, controlling our behavior (i.e., walled cities w/broken walls), blind spots (we all have them), being peace makers, the value of wisdom, and the ruin of being a fool.

It’s one of the most memorable stories in the Bible.

Wow is all I can say!

After service we had a meeting for all the ushers and security team.  The two departments will now be combined into one, with centralized oversight.  This was met with 100% agreement from all the men who attended, which was very encouraging to me.  Additionally, there were new volunteers added to the team who possess exceptional credentials.  Finally, several men offered insightful suggestions on ways to improve the ushers/security department with better procedures.  It was also agreed that all the men need to get together soon for a fellowship activity.  I think we should call it “Man Games.”

Good things are happening at PCC.  Nothing is slowing us down.

Renae and I made a hospital visit this afternoon – an elderly widow in our church who is in ICU.  The ministry team “Commandment Projects” is slated to do work at her home in the next Saturday. 

Very thankful for the kingdom work taking place at PCC. 

PS - The FSU/Clemson football game last night was the best colleg game I've seen in a long time.

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