Monday, September 3, 2012

Sunday Mind Dump - Sept 3, 2012

Good service today.  Super proud of everyone who makes our services so uplifting.

Yes, it was Labor Day weekend – a weekend that we typically experience a drop in attendance – but our attendance was up and so was giving.  Very strong and very solid on both counts.

We concluded the Elijah series this morning - it’s been ten weeks and a very fruitful journey – covering a lot of material and a variety of topics.

Today’s message – The Next Generation – was a perfect way to conclude the series. 

This was one of the most important messages I have ever taught at PCC.  And if you have the ability to read between the lines, you can draw obvious conclusions from it.  Today’s message was not just a sermon; it was about our future.

Where else does a pastor have the undivided attention of everyone all at once, other than the Sunday morning service?  Nowhere.  I use the pulpit deliberately and on-purpose.

I talked about age-segregation verses age-integration in church.  It’s very important that the generations mingle – closing the generation gap.

If every person at PCC would assume the responsibility of taking just one person under their wing of influence (as a mentor or discipler) and training them towards godliness, more would be accomplished in one year’s time than all our programs combined.

Everyone seemed to be in such a good mood.  After service there was a lot positive feedback.  People talked about the message series, today’s service, and the impact that PCC has had on their life.  What a great day.  It makes my job worthwhile.

I can tell you for certain, there are a lot of happy people at PCC.

Rebekah Peacock hit it out of the park with her acoustic number.

I read this comment on a twitter account I follow:  “Only in a Sunday School class will you find that one person who is ‘smarter’ than the teacher, but refuses to teach.”

I’ll have to remember that one :-)

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