Solid day. The weather was really bad and holiday travel is in full swing, but we had solid attendance and solid giving.
The music was well done. The last song, “When I Think About the Lord” was a home run.
The trumpet was a nice added feature too.
Matt Lewis was on acoustic guitar today. He’s a college student from our church currently attending FSU and was home for Thanksgiving. It was good to have him on stage.
I especially enjoyed the offertory, “Remember Mercy.” It’s a scripture song from Habakkuk 3.2, almost verbatim. It was effective in setting up the message.
A special thanks to Renae for working on that song and pulling it together with her team.
There are a lot of nice comments on Facebook today about the service today. Thanks everyone.
I have really enjoyed the series on the book of Habakkuk. Although it was only three weeks long, it was very insightful for me. I learned a lot about the content of the book, about God and His sovereignty, and about myself.
The chalkboard illustration seemed to be very effective in helping us in self-evaluation and discovering the maturity of our faith.
Someone said to me today, “We have been taught.”
The book of Habakkuk is easy to overlook. It’s small; only three chapters long, and is among the Minor Prophets. But its content is very powerful and insightful. This book has impacted me on a deeper level.
A warm house, kids running around, and magnets on the refrigerator – that equals a pretty good life.
A good church family rates pretty high up there too.
Renae and I going to look for carpet tomorrow. This expense could not have come at a more inconvenient time – i.e., just before Christmas. But we’re tired of walking on unfinished concrete, so we’ll bite the bullet.
My Jack Russell puppies are now six weeks old. Take them to the vet tomorrow for their next treatment. In two weeks we’ll begin letting them go. They are beautiful pups and we’re going to miss them.
The news channels are reporting that Black Friday was a recording breaking shopping event. Consumers spent $52.4 BILLON on stuff. Yes, that’s $52.4 with a “B.” That’s up more than 16% than last year. Hopefully this is a sign of a turn-around in the economy. Yet, it still underscores the point that we can always find money for the things that are most important to us.
The month of December at PCC will several offer holiday events. I’m looking forward to every one of them.
We are still in our evaluation process. Next year, 2012, will experience significant improvements in some areas of our church. I’m very excited about the possibilities of the future.
We are going to simplify. When we simplify, it means we will intensify what remains.
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