Monday, September 19, 2011

Important Truths for Church Planters

1.  Church planting is not cool.  It’s not a hobby.  It is brutal.

2.  If you don’t develop ministry teams because you’d rather fly solo, you are foolish.  If you don’t delegate, your church will die.

3.  It takes more than good music and good preaching to get off the launch pad.  People have to get connected to SERVING and/or MAKE FRIENDS.  Always remember:  Relationships are the glue that holds a church together.
4.  It takes money too.  More importantly, it takes someone with courage and conviction to ask for it.  Money doesn’t come in by itself.

5.  NUMBERS:  If you are counting how many cats your church members own, then it’s not about the numbers.  But if you are counting people, salvations, baptisms, volunteers, and healed marriages, then yes, IT IS ABOUT the numbers!

6.  If you start a church without the support of your wife, your church won’t fail.  Instead, you’ll get a divorce…. and then your church will fail.

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