Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Staff Changes - Denise Yates

I’m glad to share the news that we have added Denise Yates as a member of PCC’s ministry staff.  In fact, Denise has already been working full-time as a volunteer staff member for the last year.  We are simply making it official now by going public and installing her formally.  This makes for a natural and seamless transition in our workplace environment.  Denise’s main area of responsibility is the Family Ministries of PCC.  She has been serving along side Gene Tharp in this area all along and will continue to do so, while taking on additional oversight and leadership duties.  She is also involved in broader responsibilities throughout the church.

Denise is well liked by those she works with and people are receptive to her leadership.  She has good chemistry with our senior leadership team, making her a good fit there.  We have observed her ability to get things done, apply sound logic to problem solving, and resolve problems before they become critical.  She has a heart for God, for teenagers, for children, and for serving tirelessly.  Furthermore, she has demonstrated full buy-in to PCC’s mission, understands the big picture, and is flexible.  All of this adds up to someone we can trust and have a great deal of confidence in.

Prior to attending and serving at PCC, Denise served in two previous churches; as Christian Education Director and Youth Pastor.  Additionally, she served as a teacher at Calvary Chapel Bible College for their youth and intern program.

Years of experience has taught me that our best staff and ministry leaders come from within our church family, rather than from outside.  Here’s how we do it:  When we realize a certain role needs to be filled, we always look at the person who is already doing the job as a volunteer and then make our selection accordingly.  Although Denise has outside experience, her time and service at PCC has given her a complete understanding of our church’s unique DNA, so she has naturally emerged from within our congregation into this role.

Please join me in saying, Welcome Denise Yates!

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