Attendance was about 60 people lower today than last Sunday due to spring break and time change. All in all, it was a good day.
Alot of things are clicking real good right now.
The message today was on a tense subject – resisting temptation. Specifically, sexual temptation.
One of the challenges of going through a book of the Bible, or doing a character study, is that you don’t get to pick and choose your topics. The Bible text decides for you… something I really like.
You don’t get a lot of “amen’s” when teaching on sexual temptation. Yet, if it’s in the Bible it’s something God wants His people to know.
This story from the Bible was absolutely alive for me today. I felt like I was right there seeing it happen.
I don’t’ like safe preaching. I like it to be a little edgy, accurate to the text, and with present day application. The goal of ALL preaching is life-change and lifestyle adjustment, NOT just mere informaiton. See James 1:22
The best part of today: We did the best we could do to glorify God and lift up Jesus.
The way we are doing the offering right now is working very good! I’m especially enjoying the hymn-style songs.
I’m very glad that time change has happened. It means the days will be longer.
I’ve got spring fever.
The bike trail is in my near future.
Fishing is in my near future too.
After church today me and Reane, along with my mother, drove into the country to have dinner with some of Renae’s family. It was country cooking at its finest. It was like Thanksgiving. Lot's of fun.
Alot of things are clicking real good right now.
The message today was on a tense subject – resisting temptation. Specifically, sexual temptation.
One of the challenges of going through a book of the Bible, or doing a character study, is that you don’t get to pick and choose your topics. The Bible text decides for you… something I really like.
You don’t get a lot of “amen’s” when teaching on sexual temptation. Yet, if it’s in the Bible it’s something God wants His people to know.
This story from the Bible was absolutely alive for me today. I felt like I was right there seeing it happen.
I don’t’ like safe preaching. I like it to be a little edgy, accurate to the text, and with present day application. The goal of ALL preaching is life-change and lifestyle adjustment, NOT just mere informaiton. See James 1:22
The best part of today: We did the best we could do to glorify God and lift up Jesus.
The way we are doing the offering right now is working very good! I’m especially enjoying the hymn-style songs.
I’m very glad that time change has happened. It means the days will be longer.
I’ve got spring fever.
The bike trail is in my near future.
Fishing is in my near future too.
After church today me and Reane, along with my mother, drove into the country to have dinner with some of Renae’s family. It was country cooking at its finest. It was like Thanksgiving. Lot's of fun.
That's what Sunday's are for: going to church, worshipping God, being taught the Word, fellowship with one another, and then having dinner with family or friends after church. The simple things in life are what make life real.
The verdict is still out on whether my female puppy is pregnant. Still too early.
Got to get my taxes done soon. Ugh.
Japan’s nuclear crisis is intensifying. This could get real bad for a lot of people.
I’m going to re-sod my “entire” yard within the next couple of weeks – front and back. Then we’re putting down new carpet throughout the interior. After that, the house goes up for sale. After that, I’m rebuilding.
The dogs in the picture above are my three Jack Russel Terrier's. From left to right: Sadie, ToJo (with the blind right eye), and Patch.
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