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Can you say UH-MAZING?
I taught for ten minutes today. Sometimes shorter sermons are more memorable. Ray and Lynda Patterson testified as part of the morning message. They hit it out of the ball park. It was very, very effective. They told of their spiritual journey; how the came to PCC; were reluctant of any church that was meeting in a school cafeteria; how they were warmly embraced by the PCC family; how they committed their lives to Christ; about their son’s motorcycle accident; how the PCC family rallied around them; how they learned to trust God through it all, no matter the outcome; and the power of prayer. Wow!
That was followed by the Cardboard Testimony of twenty-five others. The stories of these people were remarkable!
Only God has the power to change lives like this. I’m glad that He has allowed me to be a part of what He is doing in the earth.
What we witnessed on the stage today was a DEMONSTRATION of GOD’S POWER in changing lives – not the enticing words of mans wisdom – and it affirmed that our faith at PCC rests in the power of God (2 Corinthians 2:5-6).
A lot of people cried today. A lot.
I was as deeply moved in both services. In fact, I think I was more moved in the second service. I cried all the way through Ray/Lynda’s testimony, and I couldn’t stop clapping and crying during the cardboard testimony. At one point, as people were walking out onto the stage and I was sitting on the front row, I had this epiphany: All these people are God’s sheep… and this is why we do what we do. As a shepherd, I could not have had more overflowing joy.
Attendance was 518 (which includes a double count of some people). And you should have seen the parking lot; it was jammed to capacity!
A ton of visitors.
The singers and band did an excellent job too. There’s a lot of diversity up there now… a good thing. Although I didn't play in the band today, it was good to have Falicia (a new guitarist) and Nathan (my son, and bass player) performing during the cardboard testimony. It's been a while since Nathan has played with us.
Facebook comments....
Jewel said, Ray & Lynda...thank you for sharing your spiritual journey with us this a.m...You are two remarkable people...your faith & trust in God during the darkest time in your lives is some of the strongest that I have ever witnessed...your faith never wavered during those difficult days. "Thank you Lord for sending Ray & Lynda to PCC" They are an inspiration to everyone they meet.
Jewel also said, I cried during our worship song service this a.m...I cried listening to the testimony of 2 special friends whose faith never wavered when the doctor told them their son would probably not live...I cried when 25 people of PCC participated in our Card Board Testimonies...lives changed by the power of God...Today was a "tears of joy & thankfulness" for me.. Miracles do happen!
Alyssa said, Blessed to be a part of a fantastic church family! PCC is a great place to get your relationship with God where it should be!
Sharon said, What an awesome service in church this morning. "If it didn't ring your bell your clapper is missing." Thank you Lord for your presence today.
Butch said, Worth reposting: I belong to an awesome church. It's a place where I'm loved "warts and all"!!!
Richelle said, His gracious healing power is amazing! To see all the cardboard testimonies this morning was a blessed reminder that I am not alone and that I am truly doing life with my PCC family! Thank you all, and Ray and Linda, for your courage today. I can promise that you touched many lives today.....including mine!
Tammy said, The service at church today was Awesome! God has performed so many miracles and blessed so many people! God is good all the time!
Mary said, Another fantastic day at PCC. Patterson's and Cardboard testimonies were very moving and were a blessing to all. It is clear that God is at work and accomplishing powerful transformations in PCCers lives. This is apparent not only through the stories of victory over adversities, but through transformed lives now living for God. We serve an AWESOME God!!
Ron B. said, Awesome family testimony today at church, proves our God hears our prayers. I saw a few wet eyes. Cardboard testimonies where also awesome. If you missed it, you missed a blessing.
Robert said, Cardboard testimonies at church and a wonderful testimony from Ray & Linda P. Its so good to be a part of such a wonderful church (PCC) I went to lunch after that with my family to celebrate my birthday . A totally awesome day!
Rhonda said, Today's church service was transparent and real....only had to use a whole box of tissues!
Christa said, Good day today!! Cardboard testimonies at Church, I can't wait to see the video!! I am proud to go to Church with such an amazing group of people!!!!
John said, I love Sunday, because I get to attend the most amazing church in the free world, or the unfree world for that matter. Pace Community Church. What a special and remarkable day!!
All for God’s glory!
The holiday season (since Thanksgiving) has been very enjoyable for me this year. Personally, I am very thank for my family and all good things there. In addition, I’ve a attended a variety of social events and holiday parties with people from the PCC family that I have thoroughly enjoyed.
I’ve never enjoyed doing life with people like I do the people at PCC.
In fact, 2010 has been one of the most enjoyable years ever during my time at PCC. Sure, we are wrestling with systemic challenges and need to get some stuff fixed around here, but I have never enjoyed our people so much. There are a lot of people at our church I really like. Plus, the fruitfulness of this ministry is really beginning to show itself.
Now, if only that Robert H. would take me fishing.
My family and I went out to lunch with a group after church today. Haven’t done that in a very long time and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I would like to do it more often.
Awesome day. I’m glad I belong to God and to PCC.
Get your fishin pole ready my friend !
A friend/coworker attended church today with me , his first time at PCC. I just got of the phone with him & He told me it was like he had been going there for years, everyone was so warm and welcoming towards him . My guess "He will be back"
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