OMGish. What a great day.
First of all it was very enjoyable for me to not be so visible. I didn’t play in the band, and my message only lasted about fifteen minutes. This means other people filled the gaps, which is a good thing for our church.
I just knew deep down it was going to be a good day. I had an inner calm before the service began.
A new worship team was on stage today – half the singers were brand new. They hit it out of the ball park.
Robert Lewis, who cut off his thumb and mangled his left hand in a table saw accident three days ago, was also on stage today. What a trooper. There’s a lot of people who wouldn’t show up for work with an injury like that, but he came to church! Gotta love it.
Some people stay home over nothing. Some people come to church overcoming everything.
Terri Ferro testified today. She hit it out of the ball park too.
What she said was very convincing. Not only did I enjoy listening to her, I noticed that there was hardly a dry eye throughout the congregation. Even some of the ushers were crying.
I was riveted.
My only regret? I wish someone had taken a picture of Terri while she was on the stage speaking.
We struck a nerve…. a real nerve…. with today’s approach in the service.
Here are a few comments from Facebook….
Alyssa says, Church at PCC was amazing again today... we were given a SAVIOUR because that’s what we needed. Amen! Ask me and I'd be happy to explain more about the sermon. For unto us a child was born... Thank you God for our greatest gift!
Holly says, Terri, you did a fantastic job today! you are such a strong woman, and an inspiration to us all! bless you & your girls!! :)
Sharon says, The service was awesome(as usual) this morning. Thank you Terri for sharing your heart with your "church family."
Sidney says, Terri Ferro, you are one amazing woman! Thank you for sharing your journey with God today!
J.R. says, I totally agree with Mrs. Sidney and Mrs. Terri. I am happy to call you a friend to me.
Mary says, Well...another FANTASIC day at PCC. Terri's testimony was heartfelt and inspirational. When you think your own issues are overwhelming, just listen to the many challenges so many of our fellow PCCers have experienced and had victory over all with the power of God. Can it get any better? Just wait I know it can and will! I can't wait to see what God's going to do next!!
Christa says, WOW!!! Again is all I can say about what is happening at PCC right now!! Terri's testimony was amazing!!! What an inspiring Woman she is!!! Ron's message was fantastic, I hope that man knows he can teach!! I learn something EVERY Sunday with out fail!!!!!!! God with us!!!!
Kim says, Terri, thank you so much for sharing your testimony today. You did an awesome job at telling your journey and I know that you touched many hearts. That is not an easy task. You inspire me!!!
Loraine says, What a joy to hear Terri's testimony at PCC today. Rascal..., your story lives on thru your beautiful wife, you would be SO proud! We serve an amazing God! :o)
Susan says, I think we all needed tissues today. Terri was a very brave soul in front of everyone and did a fantastical (that is a word LOL) job!
Cheryl says, I was so proud of Terri, and especially pleased to hear my daughter say how she was glad she came to church today to hear Terri's testimony. Way to go God!
NEXT SUNDAY we will be privileged to listen to ANOTHER TESTIMONY from a MARRIED COUPLE in our church family. You will NOT want to miss this!
Sunday’s in December…
Next Sunday, (Dec 12), another testimony from a married couple
Next Sunday, (Dec 12), kids sing in the service
The following Sunday (Dec 19), another testimony from a married couple, plus the cardboard testimony. Wow!
The Sunday after that, (Dec 26), the year in pictures
A lot of people made personal sacrifices today. Of course, that happens each and every week by scores and scores of people at PCC. But think about this. Terri F. sacrificed by telling this very painful and personal story of hers, reliving the experience as she did. Not an easy thing to do. Robert L. also sacrificed by attending church and helping to lead worship with a severely injured hand from a table saw accident. Why do people do things like this? Because they serve a great God and are committed, that’s why.
Our church is full of people like this.
Thank you to EVERYONE who sacrifices so much to make PCC possible.
My blog went over 150,000 this week. I never thought it would get this high.
I’ll be posting on this blog every day this week. I’m writing about leadership a lot right now, (which is a big help to our church’s leaders), plus there is a lot going on at PCC, so be sure to log on every day.
We have a good church. I'm glad that I belong to it.
1 comment:
Wish I could have been with all of you today at church. I really miss being with all of you when I have to work. I'm praying that it will not take long next year for us to get back to 8 hr shifts so I only miss 1 Sunday every three weeks. See you all next week. God Bless.
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