Thursday, November 11, 2010

Embedded DNA

One of the most critical lessons for leaders at PCC to learn is that they are to replicate the DNA of our church. We have a specific mission that is the basis for everything we do. All of our key players are here to help us fulfill that mission. Our DNA must be embedded in every leader from top to bottom. This includes senior staff, ministry staff, ministry leaders, small group leaders, teachers, and workers.

We want to lead Pace Community Church towards healthy growth and that can’t happen if everyone goes off and does whatever they want to do. On the other hand, a team of unified players all working towards the same goal will set this church on fire. That’s what I am looking for.

In Seminar 101 we cover the DNA of Pace Community Church; our statements, strategy, and structure. These are the features that define us and make us unique. They are the driving force behind all that we do. We have a Biblical purpose statement, a God-honoring vision, and Biblically balanced doctrinal statement. Our strategy is Biblical and has proven to be very effective. Our structure is Biblical which provides for strong spiritual leadership. By staying true to our DNA over the years we have seen God build a healthy church that started from seven people in my living room.

At PCC we have never allowed our vision to get hijacked or sidetracked. My role as senior pastor is not only to be the primary vision caster and teacher, I am also the guardian of the vision. If I’m not diligent about this, I will wake up one day and not even recognize the ministry that I have allowed to be created.
  • Give me ten people who are sold out to the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission and I’ll have a Dream Team that will change this church and have an impact on our community.

  • Give me ten people who breathe and live our purpose statement as strongly as I do, and I will have a leadership team that will take us into the future.

  • Give me ten people who know what the five purposes of the church are and are willing to champion at least one of those purposes, and I’ll know who my future senior staff members are.

  • Give me ten people who ‘get it’ and we’ll do something together!

1 comment:

Louie said...

I didn't go to the Summit, but I'm ready and willing to help where I can.