The brutal truth is people who complain about the bringing of tithes and offerings are (most often) those who are guilty of violating it. For instance:
- If I teach about adultery, who gets upset? Those doing it, that's who.
- If I teach about immorality, who gets upset? The immoral.
- If I talk about the sanctity of marriage, who gets upset? Those living together without being married.
- If I talk about moral purity, who gets upset? Those who live impure.
- If I teach on the subject of dressing modestly, who gets upset? Those who dress seductively and show too much skin, that’s who.
- And if I teach on financial stewardship, who gets the most upset? The selfish and those who don’t understand the joy of giving.
People who find it easy to complain when money is talked about reveal by their complaining that they lack a spirit of generosity. Misers are miserable and it shows. Covetousness is a sin. Sometimes you just have to call it for what it is.
Generous people, on the other hand, do not squirm or complain when this topic is addressed. Why? Because Christ has been formed within them resulting in a spirit of generosity. Godly people don’t get upset when tithes/offerings are talked about any more than they will get upset if adultery is talked about! Why? Because they are living right – that’s why.
Our goal at PCC is NOT to make everyone feel good and get a free pass on this challenging BIBLICAL requirement. If that were our objective we would end up filling our church only with dead weight and selfish babies – consumers, not contributors. Our goal IS to challenge people to grow up in God. To do that we have to teach the whole counsel of God’s Word, and, like it or not, giving is part of discipleship.
Jesus Christ....... Luke 6:38
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