In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive… (John 7:37-39a).
A thirsty man does not have to be asked to drink. His thirst makes the decision for him. Likewise, seekers of God rarely hang in the rear of the pack. Why? Because their thirst (craving) drives them to the front. They are drawn, are on a mission, and a godly ambition drives them on. Where does this come from? This is a result of God’s work and call in our lives, with experiences, spiritual gifts, personality, and mentoring urging us forward. Our response to this internal compulsion will determine how we are used in God’s kingdom to impact the world.
God did an amazing work of transformation in my life when He saved me at age 24. Delivered from a lifestyle of self ruin, I was immediately stricken with the all-consuming importance of God’s kingdom. I instantly knew that Christianity was the most important cause on the face of the earth. I thirsted for more.
One result of His grace was that I had a burning desire to share His Word - because I knew it had the power to change lives as much as my own life had been changed. This drove me to join a hospital visitation team so I could pray for the sick; (I prayed for a great many sick people, some of who received Christ just before dying). I became a Sunday school teacher to teenagers, (even though I wasn’t much older than them), and watched them grow up, get married and have children, all the while continuing to live for God. (BTW, I have out-lived some of those former SS students… who have passed away over the years…. but they maintained their faith to the end). I joined a bus ministry and visited homes on Saturday mornings for eight years straight. Then on Sunday mornings I would drive an old bus to pick up kids and bring them to church. My thirst for the things of God compelled me to start a nursing home ministry where we visited suffering people, sang gospel songs, told Bible stories, and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. I witnessed to people. I searched out friends. Then I began to preach in country churches, conduct revivals, and travel great distances when given the slightest opportunity to share God’s Word. All this while working in secular employment as a welder at Westinghouse – and most of that time I was on the night shift.
It was a combination of God’s call, His power, and my thirst that enabled me to do what I once thought was impossible.
So what are your thirsty for today? Don’t let fear paralyze you from being used by God. You are an ordinary person who serves an extraordinary God. That combination is enough… to do great things.
A thirsty man does not have to be asked to drink. His thirst makes the decision for him. Likewise, seekers of God rarely hang in the rear of the pack. Why? Because their thirst (craving) drives them to the front. They are drawn, are on a mission, and a godly ambition drives them on. Where does this come from? This is a result of God’s work and call in our lives, with experiences, spiritual gifts, personality, and mentoring urging us forward. Our response to this internal compulsion will determine how we are used in God’s kingdom to impact the world.
God did an amazing work of transformation in my life when He saved me at age 24. Delivered from a lifestyle of self ruin, I was immediately stricken with the all-consuming importance of God’s kingdom. I instantly knew that Christianity was the most important cause on the face of the earth. I thirsted for more.
One result of His grace was that I had a burning desire to share His Word - because I knew it had the power to change lives as much as my own life had been changed. This drove me to join a hospital visitation team so I could pray for the sick; (I prayed for a great many sick people, some of who received Christ just before dying). I became a Sunday school teacher to teenagers, (even though I wasn’t much older than them), and watched them grow up, get married and have children, all the while continuing to live for God. (BTW, I have out-lived some of those former SS students… who have passed away over the years…. but they maintained their faith to the end). I joined a bus ministry and visited homes on Saturday mornings for eight years straight. Then on Sunday mornings I would drive an old bus to pick up kids and bring them to church. My thirst for the things of God compelled me to start a nursing home ministry where we visited suffering people, sang gospel songs, told Bible stories, and shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. I witnessed to people. I searched out friends. Then I began to preach in country churches, conduct revivals, and travel great distances when given the slightest opportunity to share God’s Word. All this while working in secular employment as a welder at Westinghouse – and most of that time I was on the night shift.
It was a combination of God’s call, His power, and my thirst that enabled me to do what I once thought was impossible.
So what are your thirsty for today? Don’t let fear paralyze you from being used by God. You are an ordinary person who serves an extraordinary God. That combination is enough… to do great things.
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