Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pastor of Connections & Discipleship

Our current greatest need in pastoral staff is a position we might call “Pastor of Connections & Discipleship. The role of this person would be to move people from VISITOR to BELONGING. A brief sketch of this position would look like:

Connecting people through STARTING POINT -
Helping newcomers get connected; Sunday follow up, Newcomers Coffee, Seminar 101, Membership, Baptism, first-serve opportunities.

Connecting people through SMALL GROUPS & DISCIPLESHIP – Identify and train leaders, provide support to leaders, implement eligibility process for leaders, evaluation and approval of study materials, developing and multiplying small groups.

Connecting people through SERVICE – Director of volunteers, developing leaders, Seminar 201, helping people find a place of service.

You are ineligible:
  • If you are NOT a Christian
  • If you have NOT bothered to take and successfully complete seminars 101 and 201
  • If you do NOT currently volunteer at PCC in some capacity
  • If you are NOT completely sold out to the mission of PCC
  • If you do NOT tithe faithfully and consistently
  • If you believe the angels sing amazing grace every time you walk into church
  • If you tell racial jokes, have a porn habit, have anger issues or lapses in integrity
  • If you have been involved in a church fight elsewhere and the matter is still unresolved over there
  • If you have a track record of changing churches often

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