Last night we held a leaders meeting, including all staff, department heads, or ministry leaders. To say things are busy around PCC right now would be an understatement.
We are gearing up for our normal fall-roundup, launching small groups, and making long-term strategic plans. On top of all that, we are still doing our normal, weekly duties.
All of our church leaders are doing an excellent job within their respective areas – always striving for a standard of excellence (which honors God and inspires people), and each one executes with effectiveness.
I mentioned to the group last night that we will not be slowing down any time soon; and really I wouldn’t have it any other way. Between now and Christmas will be busier than this summer. God has not called PCC to be a sleeply little church on the corner; He has called us to march right into Pharoah's court and demand, "Let My people go!"
When we planted PCC, we envisioned a church that would have an impact on our community with the gospel of JC. The only way that can be accomplished is by having a team of people who are completely sold out to God and the mission He gave the Church.
I serve with such a team.
The greatest joy I have at PCC is the people I serve with – and I told them so. They are faithful, effective, first-class performers, supportive, loyal, honest, speak their mind, serve with gladness, have no hidden agendas, and are fun to hang out with.
By extension, if you are part of PCC in any capacity, you are amazing too! Thank you to everyone who helps make it happen. We are living in one of the most opportune times in Church history, and God has placed PCC here for such a time as this. We are partners in the gospel.
Here’s what you can do to partner with your church:
PRAY. This is where it all starts. The enemy of our soul would love nothing more than to derail this church. He walks about “as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8). Please know that there are forces at work all the time, even right now, who are intent on our ruin. So pray for your church, your pastor, the church staff, department heads, team leaders, and all the volunteers of PCC. Pray for unchurched people in our community, that God would open their hearts and cause them to be receptive to the gospel.
SERVE. God is doing amazing things in our church, and through our church, to change lives. These stories move me deeply. Every person who serves has a part in each one of these stories of life-change. Jesus said if you give a prophet a cup of water, you will share in a prophet’s reward. Whow! Even the smallest act of service counts for something. Get plugged in. It’s one of the greatest things you can do with your life.
GIVE SACRIFICIALLY. Yes, I know the economy is bad right now and money is tight. But the work of God cannot falter. God is greater than the economy and He has chosen to underwrite His work in the earth through the cheerful giving of His own people. We don’t sell chicken dinners and we don’t do fund-raisers at PCC. We call you to worship and honor God with your tithes and offerings, according to Malachi 3. Thank you so much for your giving, it is the very thing that enables us to carry out the work.
INVEST & INVITE. I borrowed this phrase from Andy Stanley, of North Point Community Church in Atlanta. It simply means, invest your life in someone else, and then invite them to church with you. Bring your friends and family members to church with you. You are witnesses for Christ, and changed lives are the best advertisement a church could ever have.
PCC, get ready to move your tent pegs. We're about to enlarge our borders.