Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What is a Disciple?

Americans generally have a narrow view of what discipleship really is. To us it usually means “INFORMATION TRANSFER.” That is, the more information you learn, the more of a disciple you are. This is really very shallow. (And they think they’re deep).

More information DOES NOT equal more maturity. There are too many believers who are over-informed, yet are under-activated.

Biblical Discipleship:

In the Bible, a disciple was one who was a STUDENT of his RABBI. A disciple doesn't just want to KNOW what the rabbi knows. A disciple wants to BE LIKE his rabbi; he wants to DO what the rabbi DOES.

Therefore, to be a disciple of JESUS CHRIST you have to grow beyond informational teaching; you have to BECOME LIKE HIM. We want to DO what our rabbi DOES.

What was Jesus like?

  • He was an evangelist who came to seek and save the lost
  • He was a foot washer
  • He came to serve, not be served
  • He taught the deep truths of God in simple, plain language that people understood
  • He spoke Aramaic, the common street language of His day
  • He fed the hungry
  • He received sinners
  • He disliked the organized religion of His day
  • He ministered to the felt-needs that people had
  • He offered non-judgmental love to unbelievers
  • He challenged everyone He taught
  • He held children in His arms
  • He cooked breakfast for His disciples
  • He helped a father whose son had seizures
  • He helped a group of fishermen catch a boat-load of fish
  • He went into people’s homes, had dinner with them, and liked to hang out
  • He was in-touch with common people
  • And He said “follow Me.” (in other words, “be LIKE Me”)

You don’t become a disciple by soaking it up, year after year. You become a disciple by DOING what your rabbi DOES.

To be a disciple, start DOING what Jesus does:

  • Develop a love for the lost
  • Start witnessing, and bring unbelievers to church
  • Drape a towel over your arm and serve somewhere (for Pete’s sake!)
  • Feed the hungry
  • Sign up for the children’s ministry
  • Serve others, and quit expecting to be served so much!
  • Help people where they hurt
  • Cook breakfast for someone (He did)

  • Hang out with the local riff-raff in our community, and risk your carefully cultivated reputation to do it. Who knows, people might call you the same thing they called Him, “The friend of sinners.”

  • Get in touch with common people

You get the idea.

The aim of PCC is to produce disciples who do stuff, not disciples who only know stuff.