Ed Young, senior pastor at Fellowship Church in Grapevine Texas, posted a video on his blog site about four weeks ago entitled "Church Pirates." I viewed it the day it was posted and it has created quite a stir in the church world. The blogis-sphere has been buzzing with dialogue.
Even "Christianity Today" (magazine) picked up the news and has featured a couple of articles related to the topic and video.
What's it about? The title gives you the content. Basically, church pirates reach INTO the church and (attempt to) plunder it for their own agenda, rather than reaching out to a lost world instead.
If you would like to view the video, simply click the link below. Once you get to Ed's blog, scroll down to "May 24" and look for the topic "Church Pirates." Click the video and watch it on You Tube.
You may also navigate around on Ed's blog for additional dialogue on this topic. See June 19, Following the Pirates "Out of Ur."
To see what others are saying, click the "comments" section at the bottom of these posts. Very interesting.