= Memorial Day weekend.
= Attendance was off (20% drop) – A lot of military families were out traveling home.
= The band did an amazing job. Even though two musicians were out (the drummer and lead guitarist) our replacement drummer filled the gap in a most excellent manner. We reached back and pulled out a couple of older songs and it felt good doing them again. There was spontaneous worship all through the house – people standing, lifting their hands, and crying. Very visible expressions. Simply amazing.
= Financial giving was good too. Almost a record-day in spite of the lower attendance. Also, another $2000.00 (plus) came in (above our regular tithes/offerings) for the sanctuary lights. This project is almost paid for and we haven’t even received an offering for it. Whow!
= Today’s message was on Lazarus & the Rich Man – “Out of Body Experiences.” I can tell you God was doing something in the service today. Everyone was totally riveted on the message. A couple of ushers told me it was the best they’ve ever heard. Another lady (who I had never met before) came to me after service and said, “God used that message today to change lives, pastor.” Another lady stated that she felt God was moving in a different way. At least six other people came to me with similar comments.
= Listen, when people are getting saved, worshipping God without shame, giving so good that it is almost setting records – YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS UP. We are IN A NEW SEASON at PCC and IT FEELS GOOD.
= I am proud of our children’s workers who did such an amazing job in Cathy’s absence (i.e., our children’s ministry director). These people know how to get the job done. They step up and deal with it!
= Definitely a different style of message today. I thing people responded well.
= Loved seeing all the new faces today.
= It’s great to belong to a church that is ACTUALLY drawing NEW PEOPLE into its church services.
= I’m glad we are not a “BOUTIQUE CHURCH.” You know what I mean – one that attracts only a small segment of pre-packaged, already-perfected believers who have a corner on the kingdom. At PCC we have believers, unbelievers, mature believers, and immature believers. It’s messy. But it also fits the Biblical pattern of what a New Testament church is supposed to look like. I’ll take PCC over a “boutique church” any day!
= The tech team in the sound booth has got it going on!
= I am proud of our ministry leaders, department heads, and staff.
= Our congregation is amazing too. You show up week after week, packing the house, and listen to me…. Then you give. This humbles me. I know there has to be something going on besides me – it has to be a GOD THING.
= Tune in each day – I’m going to post several topics this week:
--How We Hire Staff….
--Church Pirates….
--Team Chemistry…..
--Problem People…. ........These topics will be a follow-up to last week’s “Team Loyalty.”
= Time to sign off. I’m going to cut the grass and get the yard ready for grilling hamburgers tomorrow.
--Church Pirates….
--Team Chemistry…..
--Problem People…. ........These topics will be a follow-up to last week’s “Team Loyalty.”
= Time to sign off. I’m going to cut the grass and get the yard ready for grilling hamburgers tomorrow.
= Blessings!